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Our Top 3 College Principles You Should Follow Pt. 1

Let's have some fun and get practical on ways we can make college life a bit easier with some principles you can implement that we think will help you with your college career.

1. Know How You Roll

A super important one everyone should invest in to make their life a bit easier. What I mean by, "Know how you roll", means having the self-awareness of what you need to do to best position yourself to succeed - at school, work, life.. etc. In the context of College and for example, just because everyone else is taking notes via paper and pencil doesn't mean that's how YOU best learn the material. Maybe you're an audio learner. If you think you are and if you think that's what you best respond to, I implore you to take a week of experimenting taking notes with a recorder or with video, that way you can sit back and soak in the information then after review what's been recorded.

For me personally, I hate to listen then write and try to learn - bad for my brain. I record then replay after with an addition of using YouTube, Audio books etc. In class lectures, to be honest, contribute to 25-50% of my learning, BUT could be 100% for you. Now, thats just an example because of course taking notes work especially for the hard classes. But my point is: audit yourself from top to bottom and see what works best for you. Playing against the grain of your DNA is always a bad idea and always playing with your strengths is the

variable of your success.

2. Find Ways to Save Time

There's no such thing as "I don't have the time for this or that". What that REALLY means is "I wont make the time for this or that"

If you got a lot on your plate, and we all do, self-audit your entire day and figure out what the bottom 10%-20% of 'no-value in return' activities are.

Stop playing Pokemon Go, stop watching every episode of Breaking Bad, and maybe just maybe you should stop going to 3 out of the 10 organizations you signed up for. There's a lot of dumb stuff that we do everyday that steals our time from what we really need to focus on.

Now, to go on the light of things, be very obsessed of finding 'time-hacks". Find the quickest routes to get through your day, learn how to create quick dinners so you don't spend and hour or two making them, when you're studying turn off all social media accounts so you don't spend micro-minutes that add up to hours and the list goes on and on.

3. Never Do Anything Alone

Except for taking quizzes or tests, never embark on tough classes or projects alone. Learn how to use and work with other people that have strengths and knowledge that you don't. The worst thing you can do is not join a study group before an exam. Now, not a social group that claims to be a study group and actually just meets up so ya'll can distract yourselves. No, I go into class and audit the room of the best and smartest people in there and stick with them. Don't leech off of them, still provide value, but surround yourself with people who know their stuff.

These are our top 3 top college principles we think will help you guys. Let us know what ya'll think and this is just part 1 of the blog series.

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